Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday July 6, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, July 6, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, July 6, 1886 An extremely hot day and with it the depression I almost always feel in hot weather when I seem disinclined to any effort. My father has seemed very feeble the past two days. The old, unsettled discouraged feeling is upon me and I am able to see how all my trouble seems to come from anxieties about money. I have a helpless feeling at such times and a timidity that I cannot help. I hear nothing more of the purchase of our place. That would give me new life and I would feel that I could start anew and somewhat upon the simpler plan of life which I always proposed to myself. Now I have too many interests to look after with the limited means we have and if we could simplify our life by getting into smaller quarters I am so sure we would all be happier that my whole time is taken up thinking of it. Downing and Jones went by the morning train. I drove them down to the ferry. Now word from Lucy who expected to be here about this time.

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