Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday June 4, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 4, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, June 4, 1886 Worked in the garden doing some planting. Took Mrs. Swan up to the noon train my father Sara and Dwightie going along. After dinner we drove down for Nannie proposing a ride the day being perfect. Saw Aunt Christina who came out to the wagon to speak to my father. Nannie was not well and declined going so we drove down and got Mrs. Davis and rode along by the river road and came home by the Alms House and Wiltwyck, Mrs. Davis remaining with us for tea. I received a long letter from Mr. Semple Louisville Chairman of the Art Committee of the Exposition relative to the debt to the Art Union--also a letter from Miss Nesmith.

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