Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday May 17, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 17, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, May 17, 1886 Cool and breezy. Left at 7 and drove to Port Jervis where we took the train and came to N. Y. "Toots" Pinchots youngest son, a charming boy coming with us, and here we separated. Pinchot spoke about my picture and told me to keep it at my studio until he wanted it which relieved me, for I was in doubt whether he would take it. Sent the little portrait of Gertrude to Alice by Express. Deposited the proceeds of my note ($295.65) and made preparations to go home by the evening train. Had to call Mrs. Cassidy in and complain again of the way in which my room was neglected. Went home by 4 o'clock train to keep an engagement at Mrs. Cantines. When I reached home found Janette sitting by the fire. She said Sara had gone to the Cantines and they were expecting me there to tea. After a little preparation I went down and found them at supper. Mr & Mrs. Van Slyke and a Rev. Mr. Cobb besides Sara. We staid until 11 o'clock and had a rather pleasant evening, as pleasant as I ever can with orthodox clergyman with whom it is not safe to venture on some topics.

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