Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday October 20, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 20, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Oct 20, 1886 Worked in my studio all forenoon. Mr & Mrs. Reed were here at dinner and we enjoyed their visit very much. They seem very happy people. He has been a teacher for many years but has published several school books which are successful and now he is able to live as he wishes and to command his time. They seemed to me successful people, content with a simple life and not worried by foolish ambitions. After dinner we drove through Kingston where Farny had not been in many years and then out on the Flat-bush Road and around by the river road. We left them at Mr. Crams and came home. I would have liked the day on my picture but it was well spent with such excellent people. Girards wife spent the evening with us and she and Sara talked of poor Emily Wood and her sad life, literally dying of a broken heart over her husbands bad habits. It makes me unhappy even to think of her and when I look around me and realize the burdens which so many have to bear I feel ashamed that I am not more happy and satisfied. I am trying not to feel so troubled and trying to be more hopeful. It has been a warm, lovely day. I would like to be in Arkville painting our of doors. Lucy and Jamie went off by the morning train. Lucy to N. Y. and Jamie to his school at Highland Falls. I drove them up. Jamie is a homesick boy and I could realize his forlornness at going back. Lucy and Andrews will be leaving now in about a fortnight and we seem hardly to have seen them.

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