Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday September 11, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, September 11, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Sept 11, 1886 Directly after breakfast I went down into the cistern and satisfied myself that I had not stopped the leak and that the cement I had used was not good. Tom and I got out the water which remained in, Jamie went to the cement mill for fresh cement and I mended the cracks and then gave the whole inside a coat of cement wash finishing by 10 oclock. Then I dressed and went to my studio and worked on my picture the remainder of the day. I think I have nearly completed it. It is not entirely satisfactory but I will improve it and make a good picture of it. Now I feel I will have something for the Autumn Exhibition of the Academy and as though I had produced something, which is always a satisfactory feeling. But I confess this picture has not been the outcome of a strong impression but rather produced in hours when I have tried to escape from harassing thoughts to lose myself in thinking of pleasant places and serene days. I smoked a pipe this evening for the first time since Aug 1. Cousin Rachel went home by the Powell this morning. Jamie drove her down and we were up at 4 oclock getting her and her trunk off. It seemed like the middle of the night. I feel something of a peaceful feeling tonight, I presume because my picture is not a failure and as though some good fortune had befallen or is about to befal me. I cut this paragraph from the World today. I would like to hear from Booth.

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