Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday April 22, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, April 22, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Apr 22, 1887 A note from James Gifford this morning announced the death of Mrs. Sanford Gifford on Wednesday 20th and that she would be buried in Hudson probably today. Poor woman. In her case death must have been welcome, for the brilliant life she entered upon after her marriage with Gifford lasted but a short time and since then by the alienation of his family and many of his friends life could not have been very happy. It made me sad to hear of her death. Pinchot came in this afternoon and urged me to go to Milford with him tomorrow. I declined at first but he seemed so desirous that I should go that I consented and so will not be able to do to Mr. Marquands, nor home until Monday. Calvert told me after dinner that his Tilden matter had been referred to Mr. Ware to arbitrate and he showed me an encouraging note from him. They had a meeting this afternoon and I see that he is very anxious. Poor Calvert. He is very patient under all his perplexities and does not complain. I went around to the club at 10 o'clock and remained until 12 talking to Odgen Ward. It rained a little when I came to my room.

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