Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday December 10, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 10, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Dec 10, 1887 Raining. I had a nice letter from Lucy. Mr. Warden is staying with Bowyer at the home, a very pleasant, frank young fellow. Went home with the 4 oclock train. Foggy and rainy and rained when I landed. Rode down in the car and walked up on the hill. Very muddy. Cousin Rachel had gone back to Mrs. Jansen Andersons and Sara was alone, but had been out all day. Nannie had come up and staid one night but got discontented and made Sara promise in the night she would send her home in the morning, which she did, although then Nannie repented of all she said and did not want to go. On Sunday morning John came up early and told Sara he was in great trouble. Nannie had stolen out of the house about 6 oclock with nothing but her night clothes on and no shoes, and was found in that condition down at the Catholic Church by the sexton who brought her home. She told him to take her to Col. McEntees but did not say who she was. John was completely over come and I pitied him in his distress. Sara went down to see her and found her rational but ordered her to be constantly watched. Sunday all day a thick fog prevailed and also Monday until toward evening when it cleared with fine effects of light.

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