Tuesday January 18, 1887
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 18, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Tuesday, Jan 18, 1887 Walked down to the mail and received a letter from Fuller in which he says he cannot loan me the money himself and cannot buy a picture, but if I will send him my note he will endorse it and get me the money from his bank, which I did today and mailed the letter in which I told him I thought it was due him to tell him I considered myself entirely responsible for any obligations I entered into, that I thought I was worth $25,000 and my father and I together, $75,000; that we owed comparatively nothing except a mortgage of $14,000 which was held by a friend at 4 per cent and the interest on which I paid in my work, that I was putting some of our property into the market [with?] good prospects of selling. I sent him one of the little pamphlets [?] yesterday. I also received a nice letter from Booth, who had got mine, a letter from Butler saying I could have the studio at any time, a letter from Andrews besides, and one from Lambdin wanting me to send something to the Pennsylvania Academy exhibition. [?] Girard on my way home who told me Mrs. Folant wanted to buy a lot on Chester St and that she and her brother were [?] to look at one. I came home and wrote to Fuller enclosing [?] note and one of the advertisement pamphlets, a short note to Booth sending him one, answered Lambdin and Butler telling him [I?] would like to take possession about Feb 1st or just before as that [?] a new quarter but would act his pleasure. I then walked [down?] and mailed them. Went in and saw Girard. He sent for [?] , Mrs Folants brother to whom I talked about the lot. [This?] evening Girard told me they had decided to take one but thought [?] would like one higher up on the hill than the one proposed. [I?] also wrote a note to Rock to send me samples to select a suit [from?], and to Wells that I am ready to take the room. This evening the cold wave struck us and it is very cold. Sara and I [went?] over to the Toboggan slide and rode an hour and a half. [?] Kenyon, Mrs. Judge Parker and Miss Van Eltan rode with us. [?] I dumped them in the snow coming from the return slide. [I?] also skinned my knuckles against the side of the slide.
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