Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday March 2, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 2, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Mar 2, 1887 Went to see the Stewart Collection this morning--a curious mixture of good and common place pictures. Rosa Bonheurs Horse fair looked just as well as ever to me. I was disappointed in Messonniers "1807" which in general effect is dry and hard--from there I went to see Henrys collection particularly his old furniture. There was a corner cubboard I would like to have up home but I hear it sold this afternoon for more than I could afford. The Niagara Park Commissioners had their meeting today and Calvert and Olmstead made their report. From what Calvert guardedly said it was an entire success, more than that a surprise. I think it will confirm their reputation. Went to the club after dinner and read the last installment of the Life of Lincoln in the March Century and wrote to Sara. Found a note from her when I came to my room. I had a letter from Mrs. Steele today, the first in many months. I thought perhaps she had had enough of me but Ella has been confined to an invalid chair for five months which is her apology for not writing and she hopes I will write soon and finds my letters interesting. A lovely woman whom I am glad to be able to interest.

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