Monday March 21, 1887
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 21, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Monday, Mar 21, 1887 This is really my fathers birth day, but we had the dinner yesterday because we could have all Girards children better on Sunday as they had no school to prevent their coming, a beautiful, warm day. Tom and I shoveled the pile of snow from the front of the house and afterwards I went down town and Saw Griffiths about fertilizers for the orchard and the land about the house. I also went to see Tom Tremper and Genl. Sharpe about the Soldiers monument as I am on a Committee to select a design, but neither of them were in. I however left word for them to notify me a little in advance of meetings so that I might be present. Walked over to Chester St. and the toboggan slide, the ice of which is rapidly melting away. There is still deep snow in places but Henry came to see me today to say that he had been over there and that he could go to work on the grading tomorrow, so he is to get a man to [help?] him as Tom has the wood to saw and the manure to draw into the garden. Mrs. Crane never forgetting my fathers birth-day as is her custom sent him a box of beautiful flowers. Sara who is alone so much said today she wished she could see Mary or that Janette and Emily were where she could see them. I told her if she would like to have them visit her to write to them to come and spend a month and thus get rid of the most tedious time then. She said she would write them tonight and urge them to come and I promised to do the same thing. I came away in the 4.35 train. A storm seemed brewing. Found Annie Nortons card on my door and an invitation to dine there this evening at 6.30 but did not reach here until 8. Found also Annie Lees card. She is staying at Nortons. I went over to the Century and had a cup of tea and wrote to Janette cordially urging her and Emily to accept Saras invitation and come and spend a month with her. Came to my room through the rain which is falling now. While at home, reading the last "Leader" I came across this notice of Col. Derthick's sister and was vividly reminded of my dear Gertrude who used to visit at that most hospitable home and who had often described its generous character. This old lady was a sturdy, original character. Gertrude used to describe her as always going about with a sun-bonnet which she did not discard even at meals. I am sure I used to know the girls, Jane and "Tot" Derthick or as I said to Janette, do I know them as imaged in the loyal and tender memory of my dear Gertrude.
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