Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday May 6, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 6, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, May 6, 1887 I went to See the pictures at the Prize fund Exhibition this morning. The two pictures which received the prizes, Gay's and Davis's are by no means remarkable and Davis' I think poor and weak. I found the collection of much less interest than I expected to. There was an article on the Academy in the Tribune this morning quite significant in tone, admitting that after all the pictures by Academicians were the most interesting ones. The writer devoted considerable space to my picture in the South Room, treating it with favor and considering it one of the best landscapes in the collection. However I do not greatly value praise from that quarter, which generally only sees good in pictures with which I have little sympathy. Wells came in and I paid him $450 on my rent still leaving a balance of over $70. I also sent a check for my dues to the Century. Have worked on a little sunset picture, the idea for my picture in the Academy and also on one of my Nevada studies. Went to the club a little while and talked with Nicoll. He is devoting most of his time to etching, but says it is very unsatisfactory. Came to my room early and went to bed despondent.

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