Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday October 13, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 13, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Oct 13, 1887 Still cool weather. I went over my accounts again to settle some things which were a little in doubt. Mrs. Van Deusen came to invite us to meet some of her Christian nestlers at lunch next Wednesday but we declined. Sara and I went over to my house to look about. She has cleaned my studio as well as the outside one while I was gone but every thing I saw had a melancholy and depressing effect upon me, so intimately was it all associated with all my past life and with dear Gertrude. I could not help thinking how almost every thing is gone which made life attractive on this hill, how Sara and I are left here alone, and how vague and uncertain is the future and how sweeping the changes which await us in the near future. Sara had a long and affectionate letter from Lucy written Friday five days after I left. They were all so sorry to have me leave and all missed me so much worse than I thought they would. Genl. Crook and his party had arrived and gone to the mountains where a foot of snow had fallen and they had snow at the Post and it was cold. John was provoked at Col. Stanton for not going something for me at Salt Lake, but I did not expect him to. Her letter showed me that my visit had been as much of a satisfaction to them as to me.

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