Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday October 31, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 31, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Oct 31, 1887 Very cold. The mercury marked 16 degrees after the sun had been up some time. Our Nantucket pumpkins are all frozen and our cabbages also I fear. Tom has been washing the harness and putting in the cabbage and getting the apples in the cellar. Old Patrick Barry has been here today. He feels badly that my father left some money to Tom and did not remember him in his will. He has gone over and over how he worked here for six years and never missed a day, which is true. He was a most faithful man. He told me I might buy one of the cows for him and he would pay me gradually. If I could I would gladly give him one of the cows. Two or three people have been here to look about and see what is to be sold. We have been asked by the toboggan slide people what we would take for a strip 100 ft wide running from Chester St. along Trenton St. to John OReillys line, about 7 lots. I have set the price at $2000 which was John McEntees figure. When I went over to the pasture across the street this morning to show a man the cows I picked a Dandelion which had evidently bloomed this morning although last night ice formed and the mercury stood at 16 degrees. The leaves are all off the trees and the landscape looks like late November. The season is earlier this year. I went down to see John McEntee this evening. He was alone and seemed to me rather thoughtful. He thinks if they offer us $1500 for the toboggan plan we had better take it.

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