Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday April 22, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, April 22, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Apr 22, 1888 Still cool but sunny. John McEntee came up to hear about Saras visit to Nannie and I think was greatly encouraged. He had had a letter from her yesterday which he let us read. It was entirely sane and she spoke of Saras visit in detail and was very encouraging. The Dr. told Sara she would be likely to have her reason return rather suddenly. John invited us to dine with him at 2 o'clock. The children came over to see us. Dwighty was very bashful but glad to have us home. We brought him a nice little dress and some little presents for all of them. We dined with John but on our way stopped a little while at Girards and also at the Cantines. Mrs. Cantine called to us from the street car yesterday. Her English brother-in-law was there. After a nice dinner at Johns we walked down and called on Minnie and Josie Coen. Girards wife told us yesterday that their sister Celia had died about the last of March and we had not even heard of her illness. Minnie and Josie are to continue to live where they have many years. Laura has invited her to come to Hillsboro this summer and we advised her to go. After we left them we called on Sam Coykendall and his wife. Sam was delighted with the pictures he got at my sale and was apparently surprised to find them finished pictures. He said he did not see the collection until the evening of the sale and regrets now that he had not bought more. We got home about 6 oclock.

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