Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday August 25, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, August 25, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Aug 25, 1888 Mrs Hardenburgh, Mr. Cornells sister died today. I went down town and after getting John to sign the deed I had made out for Eunist I mailed it to Calvert for his signature. John and Nannie came home last night. I asked him if she had enjoyed her visit but he answered "No". He said she was very melancholy and silent, did not want to see people and would not eat anything unless urged to. Still he thought her after all better than she had been. Girard told me that Marnie Crosby had spoken to him about a larger lot, say 100 ft. and asked him what we would sell it for over on Chester St. He said we would not take less than 500 pr lot. The indications are that we will begin to sell very soon. Sara and I in talking over the arrangements for the winter, this evening concluded to keep the house open this winter just as we did last. She said she would rather do that than any thing else only she thought we couldnt afford it, but I do not see that there will be any economy in doing otherwise and I feel relieved to think she would rather do that for it seems as though she would be very lonely here, which she says she is not, but would far rather stay here. I will try to have her come to N. Y. in the latter part of the winter.

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