Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday February 16, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 16, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Feb 16, 1888 I cut this notice of Mrs. Elmendorf's death from the Tribune of this morning. Her last days must have been very sad. She had outlived her husband, all her children and her fortune. It is only a few years since she removed from Kingston. I always had great sympathy for her. It is intensely cold this morning--said to be the very coldest of the season. I tried to paint a little yesterday but I am in no mood for it. I shall not be able to concentrate my attention now until after my sale. Shattuck came in to see my pictures yesterday and was very encouraging. He thought my collection as interesting as Whittredges. He is very conservative and practical and I attach much importance to his judgment in such matters. A good many people already know of my sale and all encourage me--still I am very anxious. Hubbard came in this afternoon and saw my pictures. He also thought I need have no apprehension. We got into a hot theological discussion. He professes to believe in the purest and most barbarous Calvinism. I called at the Pinchot's this evening. Mrs. Pinchot was at home but she had a dinner party. I staid only a very short time. Pinchot is at Fortress Monroe. Still very cold but moderated somewhat.

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