Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday February 4, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 4, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Feb 4, 1888 Began to snow this morning but has turned to rain. Tommy Wilmurt came and we settled upon the frames for my pictures 76 in all. I have been varnishing some of them and am gradually getting details of my sale in order. Have written to Huntington, Avery, Fuller to allow me to use their names in my catalogue as purchasers for any one not able to attend the sale. Went home by 4 oclock train. It was raining and the streets in a terrible condition. Fred and Annie Norton were on the train and John met them at the station and I rode down with them. Found Ward Warren at our house. Sara had invited him to go to the slide but the weather prevented. Gov. Hill was to have been at the slide but did not come on account of the rain. He was a guest of Judge Parker who had a reception for him to which all parties were invited. John McEntee was invited. Saw in the Tribune today the death of Capt. Tremper of Kingston in Illinois where he had gone on a visit. Also the death of old Capt. Woolsey at Newburgh who used to live in Rondout and ran the Hudson in 1838. I remember him well.

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