Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday January 24, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 24, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, Jan 24, 1888 Somewhat milder this morning although it has been a cold day. Just before dark the mercury was down to 7. The Ludlums sent their sleigh for us this morning and Sara and I went up there taking Woods portrait of Gertrude and mine from my room to show to Helen. She was lying on her couch and Mrs. Waters children were playing in her room into which the bright winter sunshine poured. It was a great event to her. Dear Gertrude used often to go visit her and she spoke of her today with warm interest. I went mainly to see if Mrs. [?] portrait of her mother needed varnishing and advised her to have nothing done to it as it had not sunk in and needed nothing. We were there nearly an hour and then they sent us home after arranging to come for us at 3.30 to go to Kingston to call on the Clarks in their new house. I wrote to Eastman to come up and stay a while with me while Sara is gone and took it down to the office after breakfast, and got Saras tickets for Utica & return. At 3.30 Mrs. Waters and Anna Ludlum called for us and we drove up to call on the Clarks and the Searings. Mrs. Searing was at the Clarks and struck me as a bright, agreeable woman--knew many of my friends in N. Y., the Champneys, Stedmans & others. The Clarks house is very pretty and cheerful, and will be still prettier when the walls are colored. I do not however think the interior harmonizes with the exterior. For my taste I would have liked it a little more quiet and partaking more of the old Dutch character. However it is a very pretty house indeed. We had a very pleasant call and Mrs. Clarke showed us all over the house, the views of which are charming. We rode through Kingston having got Frank Waters and came home pleased to have met some pleasant people. Sara is to go by 6.30 tomorrow to take the 7 o'clock train for Utica. It will be pretty lonely here while she is gone.

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