Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday July 12, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, July 12, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, July 12, 1888 I received a reply from Phillips & Wells the real estate agents who advised me to have the place inspected by them as it would cost only the fare. I wrote them to come Friday as they proposed, and they also advise us to advertise. Harry and I went down town together this morning. The note of the executors to S. Abbey & Sons comes due on Saturday. I saw John about it. He and I signed a new note for [?] old one, without interest for 3 mos. and I sent it to New York for Calvert to sign. Finally Carroll has sent a man with a mowing machine to cut the grass which should have been cut two weeks ago. It will be badly done. Grant Van Deusen died today about noon. It seemed to me yesterday his days were numbered but I did not think he would be called away so soon. I have been over to the Cemetery trimming the grass on dear Gertrudes, my fathers and mother and Maurices graves. The soil is so poor nothing grows, not even the grass and it is discouraging to try to do any thing. The Phlox I planted on Gertrudes and on my mothers graves grows tolerably well but not with anything like luxuriance. It makes me very sad to go over there. The silence almost in the very presence of their dust is very suggestive of memories of their lives among us and always makes me feel anew the dread mystery of their eternal absence.

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