Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday June 5, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 5, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, June 5, 1888 I wrote to Major Wilkinson yesterday and sent him $10 the balance due him on our trip. I had a note from him today in which he says I only owe him 7.55 but then he paid some things he made no note of. I wrote to Dr. Stimson in behalf of Wilkinson as a member of the Century and also to Thos. M .[?] a friend of Wilkinsons asking him to write a letter for him. I wrote Elihu Root some time ago asking him to second him [?] he has taken no notice of my request. I went down to Rondout to do some errands. In at Deyos store it seemed strange to see some one else sitting in his accustomed place. He died while I was out in the woods and so another of the old residents of Rondout has passed away. I have been busy about various things over at my house. I can hardly bring myself to come over here to sleep. My bed is all made and covered with the blue and white spread dear Gertrude made up at Uncle Bens before we were married. I think of her constantly here and this afternoon I tried to draw a portrait of her from an attempt I made to paint her not long before she died. It is very poor but I prize it not that it looks like her but because she sat for it. I feel very unsettled and it would take very little to make me unhappy. Sometimes I feel that I would be spared much sadness if we could sell out every thing here and go away entirely for there is every thing here to suggest the Past and the great changes which have visited us.

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