Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday March 13, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 13, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, Mar 13, 1888 It had stopped snowing when I went to breakfast this morning, but the wind still blew and the city presented a very strange appearance. The wind swept streets were abandoned by all vehicles except here and there one that had been left during the storm. Men were already at work shoveling the walks. I have been at the Academy all day and the selection is completed and we have begun to hang the pictures. I am very tired and came to my room early. We were invited to the Morses this evening to meet Miss Bigelow but no one thinks of doing anything they are not obliged to. George Halls sale was to have occurred this evening. Downing went up, but soon returned saying it was postponed. The elevated roads are moving but not a street car nor any line. Hundreds of men were at work on the 4th Avenue today shoveling out the snow. Bowyer came home this evening having been 36 hours coming from Montclair. No trains came in or go out from the city and on the Hudson River road they do not know when they will run. From all accounts the storm is unparalleled. Thousands of people came over from Brooklyn on the ice today at the slack of the tide.

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