Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday May 15, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 15, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, May 15, 1888 Cold and rainy. Answered notes concerning our outing tomorrow. Found a lot of notes for me last night and a [?] long letter from Lucy telling me Gertrude had come back to them from Salt Lake and that John had just started for the station with a six mule team for her. I am glad of it. From what Lucy wrote I judge she is going to stay with them indefinitely. I believe she will be greatly benefited by this more genial atmosphere. Mrs. Irving came by appointment through the rain with no umbrella and an old water [?]. I talked with her a while and asked her if I should go with her to see Miss Nesmith. She said she would like to have me if I would not be ashamed to walk in the street with her, so we walked up 5th avenue I holding my umbrella over her. She had an interview with Miss Nesmith who thinks she has a place in view for her to look after a little family but is to see her later. After she went I went up to the Union Club to see Mr. [?] about her. He is one of the trustees of the freedom Society [?]. I had a long talk with him. He confirmed my idea of her as a person most able, by education to take care of herself, foolish in marrying a worthless fellow, but he believes her as I do, virtuous and honest. I have written of my interview to Miss Nesmith. I wrote Whittredge this morning telling him about how many I thought would go out to his place tomorrow.

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