Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday May 16, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 16, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, May 16, 1888 We had our outing of the Mutual Aid Society at Whittredges. The morning promised fair but it looked threatening before we started and it has rained a little and been cloudy all day. We met at Christopher Street ferry at 10 o'clock. There were ten of us. Beard, Cropsey, Champney, Guy, Bristol, Turner, Wood, Brown, Story, and myself. We were met by Whittredge at the station and went directly to his house where Mrs. Whittredge and his daughters greeted us. After a while we all went out for a walk down the road, around by the Bishop Hobart house and through the woods by a pretty path back to the house where an ample dinner awaited us to which we did full justice. Whittredge on his health being drunk made a happy little speech. After dinner we again walked down the road to look for Guy's glasses which he lost, until just before train time at 5 o'clock when we came back to N.Y. having had a pleasant day in spite of the unfavorable weather.

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