Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday November 6, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 6, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, Nov 6, 1888 Election day. Good weather, grey but mild. I voted directly after breakfast and went with Tom to see him deposit a straight Republican vote. When I came back Tom and I put up a ladder and I went up and cleaned out the leaves from the gutters on the house. I found the old roof on the main part very rotten. It looks as though it would not last the winter. Sedgwick went back to N. Y. to his school this afternoon and Lucy went with him to have her teeth attended to. "Bosch" is putting his apples in barrels. The event proves I made a very good sale of the apples. Mrs. Lamont Smith was here a part of the day and dined with us. She told me that Genl. Smiths nephews who have a farm on the river in Flat-bush get $3.75 pr barrel for their best Newtown Pippins. They pick them and take them to the barn and the buyer selects them. They are sent to England. Election returns were received at Liscomb Opera house this evening. I went down and remained there until after 1 o'clock. The indications were that Harrison had carried N. Y. by a good majority.

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