Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday September 2, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, September 2, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Sept 2, 1888 The wind is N. today and the temperature delightful with a decidedly autumnal feeling. Girard and I went over to Chester St. to see the progress of the grading. It is practically done with the exception of a mass of rock on the Wolfer property. We have had notice to curb our property. We stopped in to see Griffiths house which is enclosed and the floors being laid. Girard told me that Richard Van Gaasbeck had asked John McEntee if he knew of any place which would suit Mrs. Romer for a residence and he replied he did, and mentioned our place. Richard said the Ludlums place had been spoken of. Girard has been to see Teller her son-in-law who told him she would not buy unless she could sell her place in Kingston but he recommended him to take this as a most desirable place, and told him she would sell her place. This is a new possibility that none of us had thought of and I should think with the proper management it might be sold to her. Sara went down to see Mrs Cornell who was glad to see her and had her come to her room. She found her much improved and quite cheerful and had recovered in some degree from her stroke of paralysis. She and I went down to John McEntees in the evening. I saw Nannie for a few minutes. She seems perfectly sane but very melancholy. Sara advised her to go back to Middletown for a while and she seems to be considering it. I wrote to Lucy.

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