Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday August 24, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, August 24, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Aug 24, 1889 Down town early to send the express up after Agnes's trunk as she went back to N. Y. by the 11.55 train. I went over to Chester St to see if the sand robber had been there. Tom is tearing down the remnant of the fence on the N. side of Jervis St., and I have told him to cut the weeds in Chester St. I dressed myself and went up to Kingston to see Kenyon about the process for releasing the lots from Booths mortgage but he is away on his vacation and will not return until Monday. This afternoon Calvert, whose carbuncle is very troublesome unwisely came down stairs and insisted on going out on the grounds with me. While we were talking there two ladies came from the direction of my house and asked for me. They proved to be Mrs. Dr. Roora and a Miss Stewart from Kingston and they wanted to see my pictures. I told them I had very little to show except my studies in Mexico which they said they would like to see, so I took them over to my studio and showed them. They wanted to know if I would take pupils and if I would let them go out sketching with me, questions which I evaded as adroitly and politely as I could. Gussie Pullman who staid here last night went down to Mrs. Jansen Andersons this afternoon. The weather has been pretty warm and the atmosphere hazy although the wind has been from N. E. I mailed my letter to Booth this morning. I sometimes have a little of a despondent feeling about our plan of sale, but it is necessary and we are all agreed upon it.

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