Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday August 29, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, August 29, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Aug 29, 1889 Sara went by the Powell. Julia Dillon went with her. I went down town for the Circulars which had meanwhile been sent up here. I saw Wood and had an interview with him. I discovered his barn is in Calvert St. and he wants to make some arrangement which will necessitate altering the whole street. I told him that was so entirely a new aspect of the case that I should have to think of it and consult with the other executors. He said he would come and see me tomorrow and we would look at the maps. I came up and got the circulars returned and made an arrangement with the Freeman for the advertisement and also for the printing 250 hand bills with map made out by brass rules. Then I went and saw Enoch Carter who is to post them on Saturday. I next rode up to Kingston in the car and made an arrangement for advertising in the Leader, and got back home just in time for dinner. The whole afternoon was spent folding the circulars and getting them ready to mail and just before dark I sent a hundred of them by Charlie down to the Post Office. Calvert came this evening to remain a week, the first vacation he has had in a long time. I have had a busy day, but it has been a fine day although pretty warm in the sunshine. Sara had a fine day for her sail down the river. The nights are so cool that for two mornings past white frost has been reported early in the morning. Have written Bowyer acknowledging receipt of the Circulars.

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