Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday December 19, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 19, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Dec 19, 1889 I went to see the Basye exhibition this morning. I am sure all his work is very fine but I am not as interested in it as perhaps, as I ought to be. In fact the whole exhibition of the "hundred Masterpieces" was rather a disappointment. Some of Rousseaus landscapes were interesting but I don't care much about Dupre nor Delacroix. I like Troyon and Millet to a certain extent. All this fuss about the "Angelus" is sheer puffery. It is a fine picture and should be allowed to take its legitimate place in art as it eventually will. I am afraid I am very exacting but I only thoroughly like certain things, and these are not all of them among them. I painted a little this afternoon. Rock sent me my new suit. Dr. Brown came in toward evening. I paid him his bill for work done to my teeth not long ago. Beard was in for a little while. After dinner I went up to call on the Romeyns in 66th St. They were out. I understood there was a fire a few blocks up, the Presbyterian Hospital and I went up and saw it. It seemed to be in the roof and it was got under control by the firemen. I saw them in the burning rooms clear up in the roof directing the streams of water. On my way back a little after 9 I called at Eastman Johnsons. The servant said he was in but he was not and I think I disturbed Mrs. Johnson and Ethel who insisted on my staying which I did for half an hour. I feel a little uncertain about calling there, although they are always cordial, but they are so in Society I am afraid of breaking into a [nap?] or something of that sort. I came down to the club but there was no one there and I came to my room. Am going home tomorrow to attend Clearwaters party.

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