Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday December 6, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 6, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Dec 6, 1889 A fine day with N. W. wind. Have been painting most of the day on my Autumn Sunshine & Shadow trying to improve it, which I think I have. My room is very quiet. No one troubles me. One has opportunities occasionally to realize how small a place one occupies in the world. Dined at Hiram Romeyns - there were present Mr. Darley and Mr. S. Decatur Smith from Philadel, Mr. Chambers the lawyer from the Century, Mr. Hotaling, a Mr. Stone, Mr. Cox and one other whose name I have forgotten besides Charlie Romeyn. We had an elegant dinner beautifully and elaborately served and really had an enjoyable time as they were all bright and agreeable men. We remained there until nearly midnight. Romeyn sang two beautiful songs the music of one composed by Mr. Decatur Smith and the words by his son. Romeyns house is very nicely furnished indicating that he must be a wealthy man. Mr. Hotaling did not allude to the fact that I had written him a note this summer to which he paid no attention. I think however he remembered it. I sat beside Mr. Darley and Mr. Stone with both of whom I talked.

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