Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday January 13, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 13, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Jan 13, 1889 A beautiful day. I went to Dr. Bellows old church with Mary & Sara. I do not know who preached but it was from the text "while I mused the fire burned". Unfortunately while I mused I fell into a daze and was not as interested as I ought to have been. After a light lunch Sedgwick and I took the Sixth Av. L. road and went up to the upper end of the Park and walked down the whole length of it and down to 41st St where we stopped and made a short call on Mrs. Anderson & Miss Nesmith arriving at home just in time for dinner at 5. After church Mary, Sara and I went around to the Century to see the pictures. This evening Sara, Calvert and I called at the Bannings to see them and to bid Alice good bye, who is going home on Tuesday. We had a very pleasant evening. Sara and I are going home tomorrow on the Hudson River road. I saw by the paper today that the 8 oclock train on the West Shore road was to run through the West Point tunnel for the first time since it caved in about Oct. 15 nearly three months ago.

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