Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday January 24, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 24, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Jan 24, 1889 Went to see Lang this morning about some caricatures Darley made a long time ago nearly 40 years of a horseback ride he and Lang, Kensett, Rossiter and Hicks took up to Mc Combs dam and which he gave to or left with some lady friend who has since died. Now some of the heirs propose to publish these for money. Mrs Darley asked me to see Hicks and Lang to assure them she had nothing to do with this publication except to try to get the pictures to destroy them. I found Lang had no love for Darley who from all accounts used to pester him with his practical jokes, but he finally said he didnt care whether they published them or not. His room has been burned out and it was newly furnished and looked very nicely. He was shocked to hear of Ehninger's sudden death on Tuesday. I saw Lawrence at the club this morning. He said Ben Knower was talking with him in Troy at 2 o'clock and at 4 he was dead. Ehninger and I were friends before and during the war and had an art class together when the war broke out, but we had a bitter quarrel a few years later and we have not spoken to each ether for twenty years. He was a bright, genial, witty and companionable man, but he was always fancying himself insulted and quarreled with most of his friends. He was very unjust and insolent to me and I made him acknowledge he was wrong, the proof being one of his own letters which I sent him. I long ago ceased to feel any hostility to him but I never wished to renew the acquaintance for I had lost all respect for him. I still have the letters which passed between us during our fierce quarrel, but I shall destroy them now. Hicks came to see me and made a long call. I wrote him yesterday about Mrs. Darley's letter. He evidently dont want these caricatures published but didn't want me to use his name to Mrs. Darley as objecting. I wouldn't care a rap if they were published and I told him so. I wrote to Jas. Hart that I was going to resign from the Jury of selection for the Paris Exposition, thinking that as he is a friend of Rush Hawkins the Art Com. he might have some one to name in my place. Edith Cook and Mrs. Pychouska called on me yesterday. This is the anniversary of my mothers birth day. It has rained this evening and is warm again. The papers are all commenting on the extraordinary weather.

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