Friday July 26, 1889
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, July 26, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Friday, July 26, 1889 It was a fine morning and I sent Tom down to Henry Abbeys store on the dock with my sketch box and easel and as soon as possible after breakfast I went down to begin my picture. Girard came over, for the first time in weeks to consult me about an inquiry for a lot from Wood, adjoining his lots in the rear, and to tell me Capt Van Keuren was thinking of a lot next to Woods. We walked down together. He said he was very troubled, that he wanted $1500 immediately and that his indebtedness altogether was $5,000 which I reminded him had increased $2,000 since he last told me about his affairs. I told him it was utterly impossible for me to help him in any way, and I am [really?] greatly troubled about him and can hardly get him out of my mind. I wish I could help him. I would gladly pay all his debts and give him a fresh start if I could. I left him down town and went to work on my sketch from the upper story of Abbeys store and worked until 12 oclock. I had an awkward place to sit, in the door way with the sun pouring in and my picture turned from the light. It is a very elaborate subject and interests me. I hope to go again tomorrow. This afternoon I was down in the woods where I set Tom to burning the leaves. They are still wet and burn only partially and they will have to have another burning. I scraped off all the deposits of leaves etc. from the upper and lower rails of the fence and was very tired at night. Went down to see John McEntee after tea. Mrs Livingston, Mamie and Clara Dibblee were there. Julia was to come from N. Y. but did not. After they went home I had a talk about Girards affairs with John. He thinks his trouble is very serious and I am greatly worried about him. I also talked to him about Hauck and he agreed with me that it was best to sell to him if he would give $22 pr. foot as he told Girard he would. I have no idea however that he will. If it is a fair day we are to go fishing tomorrow afternoon.
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