Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday July 31, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, July 31, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, July 31, 1889 More rain. It begins to be a wonder where it all comes from. I went down town and called to see Cantine about the protest against the Olive stone pavement for Holmes St and he said Girard had it and was getting signers and he thought every one living on the street would sign it. I also had a talk over Girards affairs and then we got on the question of disposing of the property here on the hill. He advises me to lay it out in 50 ft. lots and have an auction. He is strongly of the opinion we will sell some of them and if we do not sell any for satisfactory prices it will not cost but little to make the experiment. He thinks we will not sell the place as a whole and I think so myself. [?] told me he thought he could get purchasers for two or three lots. I came home and drew out a plan for the division and if John agrees I will try this experiment. The fact is we will soon be obliged to do something. Mary and Sara think it a good idea. John came up and spent the evening and I told him of my interview with Cantine and showed him the drawing I had made. He was immediately interested, said he thought it an excellent suggestion and advised proceeding upon it. He rather recommends a change in my plan which would make more and consequently smaller lots on the top of the hill which is worth considering. We discussed it a long time and then talked of Girards affair but came around to the same puzzling point. It is with me only a question whether it is possible for me to assist him. John staid until ten oclock and after our interview we all felt hopeful and cheerful. I shall end here with the month this volume of my diary and begin tomorrow a new one which I had made I think two years ago. This one contains a record of my life for the past six years during which much has happened of a serious and solemn nature.

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