Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday June 20, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 20, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, June 20, 1889 A fine day with wind from the N. W. and so much more exhilarating than the humid weather we have been having. I was up in the cherry tree picking a few of the last cherries when a carriage with a gentleman and two ladies came up. I heard the gentleman ask Tom down at the gate if "Jarvis" was at home and Miss Sara also. I lingered in the tree although I was ready to come down, but I finally got tired and came into the house for I heard Sara talking with them very pleasantly. I went in as I was without my coat and my hands stained with the cherries. It proved to be Hiram Romeyn and his wife and her sister, both very pretty and agreeable women. They are staying at their place in Kingston a little while and were on their way over the creek to Dennets and for a ride. They were charmed with the place and the house and we talked about wanting to sell it. Romeyn thought it one of the most beautiful plans he knew of any where. We had a very pleasant call and they were most cordial. He seems to be very happy with his pretty young wife and his ample fortune left him by his uncle. He knows what it is to be poor. They invited us most cordially to visit them in N. Y. I have been over at my studio all afternoon making a sketch of an effect I saw at Pueblo in Mexico but do not make it very interesting. I made a small one of the same thing yesterday. I want to settle upon some fine rich effect for a picture. I would be happy if I were absorbed in a picture. This evening Girard drove up on the hill with [?] Teller. He has suggested to him to buy this place for Mrs. Romer and himself. Girard came over and saw me after he had gone. He had never been up here before and Girard said he was much surprised and impressed with the space and the beauty of the place. Said they wanted a place and asked what we wanted for this. It would be an admirable place for them but I doubt if they have sufficient taste to appreciate its advantages. At least we are making it known it is for sale. I sent my letter to Mrs. Bayard Taylor today which I wrote a week ago [?] to her simply at Gotha, Germany. I wrote a note to Inness in Dec. or Jan. last congratulating him upon having some of his pictures bought by Benjamin Constant to go to Paris. Today I received his acknowledgement of my note written in Jan. It had been sent to the Players and must have been there all this time.

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