Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday June 6, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 6, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, June 6, 1889 Cool and breezy with a north wind. Sara and I walked up to the station and there met Mr & Mrs. John Forsyth, Miss Ellen Forsyth, Miss Shufeldt, Dewitt Roora, Augustus Reynold, Arthur Westbrook and Chas Cantine all going to Rosendale via Wallkill Valley road to attend the meeting of the State Charities Aid Society at the house of Rev Mr. Gleason where we arrived in due time. Mr. Bevier of Marbletown was there when we arrived. We were served with a regular dinner at which we sat nearly two hours and then had our meeting at which I, as one of the Vice Presidents presided. We are able to accomplish little save the visiting the County house but the sentiment is mostly in favor of the care of the insane by the state and what influence we exert is mostly in that direction. We also met there Mrs. Wood, Joe Cornells sister and a Mr. Hardenbergh and his daughter came from Stone Ridge. The day has been cool and brilliant, so cool that I put on a flannel undershirt and my winter drawers before I went and I have worn them with comfort all day. We had a very pleasant day indeed and were treated most hospitably by the Reverend father who presided with ease and grace. Dwight and Girardie sleep over here now while the nurse is over there. Dwight is a very quaint and interesting little fellow of five years just experiencing his first pantaloons. He woke crying tonight from a bad dream probably the result of green cherries, while Dwight slept placidly on.

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