Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday May 28, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 28, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, May 28, 1889 The weather has at last cleared but it is still cold so that we keep up the fire in the sitting room. I had a letter from Wood in which he does not even refer to my inviting him up here. He refers to the sudden death of Gilbert Gauls wife as though I must know all about it, but I have heard nothing of it and am anxious to know what is the "catastrophe" to which he refers. I also had a letter from Mrs. Van Glumer who signs herself G. H. Bartlett. I am wondering if she has got a divorce from her husband. She is about selling her house in Tacubaya and having some land in the state of Durango she with her attourney are to plant cotton and sugar cane. I am worried over the future as I have been worrying all my life. I have tried to paint a little today but I seem to have lost what little skill I ever had. I talked with Henry Abbey a little this morning. He is discontented that he has to stick in the store on the dock when he would like to read and study. Speaking about selling our place he seemed to think it difficult to sell real estate in this place. Whenever I talk with any one about it I get very disheartened and discouraged. We went home to John McEntees this evening. Julia was there but not John. While we were there a daughter of William Tremper and her husband called. William Tremper has just died at Malden. He was a brother of Harry, Austins & McGregor. Julia took them into the dining room and we could not help overhearing the conversation which seemed very innocent and frank on the part of the daughter. She explained to Julia that she did not go up to see their father on a certain day because their shoes were burst out and they had delayed it a day or two and he had died meanwhile. She explained "I would have done, (so and so) but the truth is I had no money.["] I often wonder what poor people do in sudden emergencies which call for ready money. There always seems some way.

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