Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday November 1, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 1, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Nov 1, 1889 Saw John down town. He had received a letter from Calvert about selling me the place but he had not settled upon any thing. He had written Calvert he was willing to sell me the land at our recent Auction price at 5 pr. ct. discount and the buildings for what any distinguished person would value them at. Thought of going to N. Y. and might see Calvert. Eastman sent me three copies of the Paris Herald in which there were attacks on Rush Hawkins from Whistler and from [Lucy Hooper?] & others with his reply. He seems not to have occupied a bed of roses in his position with his temperament. One of them justly says that he has hated every body these past ten years and now hates himself. Sara and I attended the meeting of the State Charities Aid at the Supreme Court Chambers Kingston but there was no quorum. Mr. Davis came clear from Shokan and Mr. [B?] from Marbletown, Sara and I from Rondout and the only Kingston member there was Gus Reynolds. We saw the president Mr. Lindsley at the court house but he was with Coykendall and Clearwater and I presume too busy with politics to attend. We went up to the session of the teachers gathering in the court room a little while and then came home after visiting the old grave yard in the S. E. part of the town looking for Aunt Radcliffs grave. We concluded however she was buried in the Sharpe burying ground. In the evening we attended the concert of Levy the cornet player at the Kingston Opera house. It was very enjoyable. Besides the cornet Mesdames Levy Soprano, Rosa Linde Alto and Levin tenor, sang very nicely. Mr. [Sh?] played the accompaniments and some solos well. The weather is mild and grey.

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