Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday October 14, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 14, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Oct 14, 1889 Up early and Johnson and I with Fred and Albah started at 7.30 for Debsconeag Pond to troll. River high. Wind blew some and cold. Met Bangor party on Passamagammock carry. Trolled all over the lake and went clear to the end where a clear brook came in among big rocks. Had our dinner under the high bluff on the N. side. Trolled until 4. Lake became perfectly calm but we caught nothing the rise in the river having disturbed them. Came back. Came down Ambijejis Falls on left side of island and found very wild water and I feared we would be swamped. We all got wet. Charlie Hale came up from the Bangor camp a short distance below and spent the evening. He struck Johnson and me as a very reliable grave and steady man devoid of boasting. He gave us a great deal of information about this region with which he seems very familiar. He says that there are 9 ponds in the Debsconeag chain and that from the 1st to the 20th of Oct. the Togue spawn and they can be speared in any quantity on the [?] which he thinks great sport. The best place to troll is just to the left of the thoroughfare for about a quarter of a mile where there is a big rock, the only big rock in that vicinity. That just over the high bluff on the N. is the most beautiful sheet of water in this whole region called "Hurd Pond", clear spring water sandy bottom and full of trout & togue. It can be reached through a thoroughfare from the river just above the entrance to Debsconeag pond above the falls but the best way to get there is to go into Debsconeag and carry across the hard wood ridge about a mile through open woods--blazed line through the lowest depression. Says there are fine views of Katahdin and as he thinks by far the most beautiful lake in the woods he has ever seen. Was very interesting in his talk. Will remember him as a guide. This is the eleventh anniversary of dear Gertrudes death. I have thought of her many times today and yesterday and her memory is sweetened and softened to me in these solitudes.

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