Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday October 22, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 22, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, Oct 22, 1889 A cold night but a bright frosty morning. We had our breakfast and finished our packing and were ready to start at 10. I and my luggage in Royals canoe and Johnson in Abbas. We stopped a moment to see John Hale who keeps the ferry. He wanted to inquire about Church. We stopped again at Royals house about 3 miles below Medway and I went up to the house to see his wife. He seemed a little reluctant to have me see his humble home, said he had got it nearly [?] for and meant to fix it up inside soon [?] he thought his folks were washing, but [?] him I did not expect to see him living [?] Millionaire and that I know what " [?] was. I found his wife taking dinner [?] the daughter, about 16 being out at the [?]. She came in however. Mrs. Reed wanted [?] go into the little sitting room. I found [?] and unfinished but neat and tidy in every [?] as I was sure it would be. He had [?] comfortable and pleasant little home, [?] good land and I think is about as happy [?] as the most of the world. We reached Mattewamkeag after a delightful sail of 2 3/4 [?] 12 miles. A part of the way it was [?] and windy but the sun shone, the wind [?] did and we greatly enjoyed the trip. We [?] team to take our things to the Express office [?] had dinner for all four of us when Royal [?] started to pole his canoe back home. I [?] them each $52.50 for 21 days and we gave them all the provisions & camp equipage [?] had left and they seemed well pleased. [?] wife drove down for him and they went [?]. We left at 4.38 P. M. for Bangor where we got an excellent supper at the R. R. restaurant and got into the sleeper having telegraphed for lower berths from Matta.

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