Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday October 4, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 4, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Oct 4, 1889 Grim and threatening morning. After breakfast loaded up, Powers taking the three canoes and started about 8 over the Carry (bill at Powers 8.87) Weather cleared. Got everything comfortably in the canoes and sailed off over Quakish to foot of rapids below dam where we had lunch and Eastman and I walked to dam. Men (2 canoes) made two trips to get up luggage. Violent squall & rain at dam. Nothing got wet. Albah went to get his coat from a pole of our traps when one of the guns accidentally discharged going through the sleeve of Eastmans Ulster and Freds rubber coat with a big charge of buck shot as they lay on the pole. Party camping at the dam house. Old hunter looking like a Methodist preacher came to the dam and entertained us with bear stories. Wanted some "[plysic?]" but could not supply him. Weather came off fine. Moved on up North Twin. Saw a deer and landed to shoot but he disappeared. Met Ben York going down with his son sick in his canoe. Fine afternoon. Turned into South Twin and intended to cross but a very threatening cloud came up, the wind began to blow and I positively declined to cross as the rains dashed into the boat. Landed and went into camp on the N. shore.

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