Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday February 26, 1890

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 26, 1890, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Feb 26, 1890 The fog continued until about ten oclock this morning when the sun came out bright and warm. I went up to the water color exhibition to take a last look as this is the last week. My picture is not sold. Indeed I do not seem able to sell a thing. A review of the collection in the Evening Post spoke of my picture as the best winter picture in the collection, but it seems everyone does not think so as several winter pictures are sold. My art career seems about finished, for one cannot work without some stimulus. I received a letter from Mr. Robertson this morning from Cuantla dated Feb 18th. The Church's had been there and Mrs. Church had had pneumonia and they have started for home. They must have had a very anxious time. The Dr. thought they were coming home a month too early but Mrs Church was very anxious to get home. The sketching box I sent to Miss Elizabeth Robertson had arrived in perfect order. I wrote to Mary Gifford and to Mrs. Darley. When I went over to dinner I found Sara there. She had come down with the noon train to stay until Saturday. I took her and Mary to the Union Square Theatre to see the "County fair" with which they were greatly amused.

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