Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday February 7, 1890

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 7, 1890, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Feb 7, 1890 Bought some smooth, hot pressed [Westman?] Water Color paper today hoping to begin a picture. When I reached my studio found Mr. & Mrs. James Gifford waiting for me. They came up and spent some time looking over the Gifford pictures I have touched up. I wrote to Fred Norton I would propose him for the Century but that he must not be disappointed if his name were not reached in a long time. I went over to the Century to lunch. Poultney Bigelow was there with a friend. His conversation is conceited and unpleasant to depreciating always his own country and boasting his knowledge of foreign men and ways. I called to see Perry in his big barn of a place to ask him about Trumble of whom Mrs. Darley wrote in a letter I received from her last evening and from there I went up to Dr. Patchins. I shall go there tomorrow and that will end my going for the present. It has been grey and cold all day with indications of snow. I went up to Eastman Johnsons about 8 o'clock and I noticed the side walks were wet. It was raining when I got out of the car. Eastman, his wife and Ethel were at home and I had a very pleasant evening. They retired about 10 but he urged me to stay. We went up into his studio and had a long talk on all sorts of topics and I did not get away until midnight. The rain was pouring when I came away and it rained I think all night. Never before was such weather seen.

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