Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday February 8, 1890

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 8, 1890, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Feb 8, 1890 The rain was pouring when I awoke this morning and it has rained steadily all day. I prepared a water color panel and took one from the stretcher which was not successful. I stopped at the Century this morning and nominated Fred Norton and wrote a letter in which I said he was more generally known among the architects some of whom I understood would second the high regard I had for him as a genial gentleman. I also wrote a note to John [Bigent?], who Fred said would second if I would nominate him and told him I had done my part. The rain did not stop until after nine o'clock. I went around to the Century and staid until midnight. Howland was there and Winslow Homer, both just come from the country. With Eastman Johnson we discussed the Century and the limits which have been thrown out as to putting the art exhibitions out of the control and making them like the Union League, that is really shutting out American pictures and showing only the art treasures of the rich men. Johnson thinks the club is not what it was and that the artists are gradually losing their influence. I do not entirely agree with him and I believe that if we assert ourselves we can exert a preponderating influence in the club.

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