Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday March 21, 1890

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 21, 1890, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Mar 21, 1890 This would have been my fathers 90th birthday had he lived. It was foggy and rainy this morning but cleared in the afternoon. I have been at work trying to paint another portrait of dear Gertrude but I can make nothing of it. It is strange that I do not succeed better for I can see her so plainly when I think of her. These are dull and discouraging days. Not the least interest or encouragement in my art from any quarter. Yesterday I saw in Butlers Collection a clever picture by Douglas Volk. I understand he has given up painting, probably obliged to seek some other mode of getting a living. Butlers pictures sold last night very poorly and I think he brought them in. It shows people they had better not invest in American pictures if they expect to get their money back. Downing Sedgwick and I went to the 14th St. Theatre to see a foolish play called "My Aunt Bridget". It was the worst thing I think, I ever saw. We had 50 ct. seats in the balcony where the air was execrable and I had five high, big hats between me and the stage so that I saw nothing. I left at the end of the 1st act disgusted.

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