Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday March 24, 1890

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 24, 1890, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Mar 24, 1890 It was quite windy this morning the mercury being at 20 long after the sun was up but it rapidly grew milder. I went down town. Girard lunched with us and told me he thought Isaac [Winer?] would buy the lot on Chester St. next to Emmet. He has been to see it and thinks he will take it in a short time as he is not quite ready to pay for it just yet. Mary and the baby (Jansen) came over for a while yesterday and said a great many people had been up on the hill. These spring like days show them how pleasant it will be up here. I had Rommel come up and fix a piece of hose so that we can let the water from the barn by [d?] when the water is not clear. I came away by the 4.05 train. There seemed a feeling of spring in the air. I felt a little melancholy and toward twilight I fancied I heard the piping of the newts (which I really did not) and all the homesick longings which they call up took possession of me. I went to the Century and had some supper but there was no one there I cared to talk to. I often regret that I am not better able to join in the conversation about me. I came to my room feeling lonely and that I occupied a very small place in the world. I found a note from Mrs. Botta about the life of [C?] and a letter from Boston for Sara to my care, which I enclosed to her with a short note.

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