Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday May 2, 1890

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 2, 1890, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, May 2, 1890 Cold this morning, only one above the freezing point at 7 oclock. I think there must have been a frost. Down town and went to see Genl Sharpe on monument matters. Mr. Washburn had an open letter to Tom Tremper in the Freeman last night criticising the Committee and every thing connected with the affair. Tremper wants Sharpe to answer it but I told him I hardly thought it worth while but did not care one way or the other. Sara and I went to Kingston at 130 to attend a meeting of the "Charities Aid" no one there besides ourselves, except the president Mr. Bevin and Miss Isabel Forsyth. Gus Reynolds came after we had adjourned. It is a beautiful day with wind N. and a decided chilliness in the air. I have been trying to decide what to do with the carriage house when I have to move it and really do not know whether to tear it down or to move it. I had made an arrangement for Sev. Sharpe to appear for me before the Common Council this evening to protest against the Holmes St. paving and I was to be there. Girard left a protest with me to take up signed by all the property owners on the hill and I meant to be there by 7.30. We had dinner late on account of Downing and Evers and I utterly forgot all about it. I sat down after dinner to read the Freeman and the first item I saw was "Common Council this evening". I immediately started for the city hall but did not get there until 20 minutes past 8. Meanwhile the matter had been brought up by Sharpe and protested against. We however got the remonstrance of the other property owners in and it was read by Jas. Tubby to the council. Weber justified the assessment and spoke in its defense. I think they will override the protest and we will have to pay at last. I have felt all the time there was little hope of any relief.

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