Collection Information
Size: 0.4 Linear feet
Summary: Correspondence regarding the preparation of Reese's book "American Prize Prints of the 20th Century" (1949), mainly soliciting biographical information and information about specific art works. Some of the artists responded with detailed information.
Correspondents include Ivan Albright, Grace Albee, James Allen, Niels Yde Anderson, Frank H. Anderson, Grant Arnold, William Auerbach-Levy, Peggy Bacon, Maxil Ballinger, Albert W. Barker, Will Barnet, Lawrence Barrett, T. Bengty, Frank W. Benson, Thomas H. Benton, Bernece Berkman-Hunter, Ray Bethers, Gross Bettelheim, George Biddle, Richard E. Bishop, Isabel Bishop, Lucile Blanch, Julius Bloch, Aaron Bohrod, Mortimer Borne, Cornelis Botke, Fiske Boyd, Helen K. Boyer, Theodore Brenson, Syd Browne, Conrad Buff, Cecil Buller, Paul Cadmus, Harrison Cady, Letterio Calapai, Samuel Chamberlain, Jean Charlot, Asa Cheffety, Philip Cheney, Howard Cook, John E. Costigan,Alan Crane, Stephen Csoka, Lewis Daniel, E. Hubert Deines, John de Martelly, Inez Demonet, Frederick Detwiller, Caroline Durieux, Philip Evergood, Fritz Eichenberg, Ralph Fabri, R. Vale Faro, Ernest Fiene, Issac Freiedlander, Sue Fuller, Michael Gallagher, Sears Gallagher, Gerald Geerlings, Todros Geller, Harold Geyer, Douglas Gorsline, Gordon Grant, Marion Greenwood, William Gropper,
Elias M. Grossman, Robert Gwathmey, Harold M. Hahn, Arthur W. Hall, Thomas B. Handforth, Clement Haupers, Stanley Hayter, Louis Hechenbleikner, Albert Heckman, Arthur W. Heintzelman, Helen Heller, Philip Hicken, Eugene Higgins, Polly Hill, Joseph Hirsch, Morris Hobbs, Irwin Hofmann, Alexandre Hogue, Edward Hopper, Ian Hugo, Victoria Huntley, Peter Hurd, Alfred Hutty, Edgar Imler, Max Jaediker, Hans Jelinek, Mervin Jules, Philip Kappel, Leon Karp, Leo Katz, Norman Kent, Rockwell Kent, Gene Kloss, Benjamin Kopman, Marguerite Kumm, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Lawrence Kupferman, Richard Lahey, George Laisner, Paul Landacre, Bertha Landers, Edward Landon, J. J. Lankes, Mauricio Lansansky, Dorothy Lathrop, Robert Lawson, Claire Leighton, Elizabeth Lentz, Allen Lewis, Martin Lewis, William Libby, Ella Lillie, Russell Limbach, Lino Lipinsky, Charles Locke, Helen Loggie, Margaret Lowengrund, Louis Lozowick, Luigi Lucioni, Guy Maccoy, Warren Mack, Clara Mairs, Peppino Mangravite,
Boris Margo, Jack Markow, Reginald Marsh, James D. Marshall, Fletcher Martin, Virginia McCouch, Blanche McVeigh, J. Jay McVicker, Roderick Mead, Leo Meissner, George Mess, William Meyerowitz, Helen Miller, Kenneth Miller, Ira Moskowitz, Alice Murphy, M. Lois Murphy, Reginald Neal,
Jackson Nesbitt, Edith Newton, Robert Nisbet, NURA (Nura Woodson Ulreich), Kevin B. O'Callahan, Roselle Oak, Abbo Ostrowsky, Betty Parish, Max Pollak, Leon Pescheret, Martin Peterson, Geno Pettit, Carl Pickhardt, A. Ross Pittman, Henry C. Pitz, Leonard Pyttak, Saul Raskin, Doel Reed,Grant Reynard, Luigi Rist, Fermin Rocker, Louis Rosenberg, Doris Rosenthal, Andree Ruellan, Chauncey Ryder, Le Roy Sauer, Karl Schrag, Georges Schreiber, Carl Schultheiss, William Sharp, Effim Sherman, Harry Shoulberg, John Sloan, Yngve Soderberg, William Soles, Raphael Soyer, Coreen Spellman, Benton Spruance, Harry Sternberg, Charles Surendorf, James Swann, Maltby Sykes, Agnes Tait, Prentiss Taylor, Sam Thal, Byron Thomas, Walter Tittle, Dorothy Van Loan, Alfeo Verrecchia, Donald Vogel, Robert von Neumann, Lynd Ward, Reynold Weidenaar, Levon West, Harry Wickey, John Wilson, Sol Wilson, R. W. Woiceske, and Richard Zoellner.