Refregier, Family and Friends
Select: Refregier, Family and Friends
Refregier (Alone), circa 1920s-1979
Select: Refregier (Alone), circa 1920s-1979 (Oversized material housed in Box 39) Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Family, circa 1930s-circa 1980s
Select: Family, circa 1930s-circa 1980s (7 folders; oversized material housed in Box 39)
Family and Friends/Colleagues, circa 1900-1970s
Select: Family and Friends/Colleagues, circa 1900-1970s (5 folders; oversized material housed in Box 39)
Rockwell Kent and Asgard Farm, circa 1960s-circa 1970s
Select: Rockwell Kent and Asgard Farm, circa 1960s-circa 1970s
Album/Scrapbook, circa 1940s
Select: Album/Scrapbook, circa 1940s (3 folders)
Studio and Models
Select: Studio and Models
Studio and Models, circa 1930s-1970s
Select: Studio and Models, circa 1930s-1970s (10 folders; oversized material housed in Box 39)
Syracuse University Mural, circa 1962
Select: Syracuse University Mural, circa 1962
Studio and Working with Students, circa 1970s
Select: Studio and Working with Students, circa 1970s
Events and Parties
Select: Events and Parties
Events and Parties, circa 1940s-circa 1970s
Select: Events and Parties, circa 1940s-circa 1970s (4 folders; oversized material housed in Box 39)
Scrapbook-United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, CA, 1945
Select: Scrapbook-United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, CA, 1945
Paul Robeson and Eleanor Roosevelt at the Wiltwyck School for Boys, circa 1950s
Select: Paul Robeson and Eleanor Roosevelt at the Wiltwyck School for Boys, circa 1950s
Bowery Savings Bank Reception, 1967
Select: Bowery Savings Bank Reception, 1967
Exhibition in German Democratic Republic, 1979
Select: Exhibition in German Democratic Republic, 1979
Select: Travel
Chile, 1976
Select: Chile, 1976
Europe, circa 1950s
Select: Europe, circa 1950s
Mexico, circa 1960s-circa 1970s
Select: Mexico, circa 1960s-circa 1970s (7 folders)
Soviet Union, 1959-cira 1970s
Select: Soviet Union, 1959-cira 1970s (7 folders)
Soviet Union, Samarkand, 1979
Select: Soviet Union, Samarkand, 1979
United States, Grand Coulee Dam, circa 1971
Select: United States, Grand Coulee Dam, circa 1971
United States and Unidentified, circa 1930s-circa 1960s
Select: United States and Unidentified, circa 1930s-circa 1960s (3 folders)
Miscellaneous, circa 1930s-circa 1970s
Select: Miscellaneous, circa 1930s-circa 1970s (5 folders)
Photos of Artwork
Select: Photos of Artwork
Exhibitions/Installations, circa 1940s-circa 1970s
Select: Exhibitions/Installations, circa 1940s-circa 1970s (3 folders; oversized material housed in Box 39)
Refregier Restaurant Installations by Lionel Freedman, circa 1940s
Select: Refregier Restaurant Installations by Lionel Freedman, circa 1940s (Oversized material housed in Box 39)
Artwork by Refregier, circa 1930s-circa 1970s
Select: Artwork by Refregier, circa 1930s-circa 1970s (13 folders; oversized material housed in Box 39)
Artwork by Refregier, circa 1937
Select: Artwork by Refregier, circa 1937 (2 folders)
Photos of Artwork by Others, circa 1930s-circa 1970s
Select: Photos of Artwork by Others, circa 1930s-circa 1970s (2 folders)
Photographs by Others
Select: Photographs by Others
by Eliot Elisofon and Eugene Morley, circa 1940s-circa 1950s
Select: by Eliot Elisofon and Eugene Morley, circa 1940s-circa 1950s (Oversized material housed in Box 39)
by Max Yavno, circa 1940s-circa 1950s
Select: by Max Yavno, circa 1940s-circa 1950s
Snapshots, Artwork, People and Travel, circa 1930s-circa 1970s
Select: Snapshots, Artwork, People and Travel, circa 1930s-circa 1970s (5 folders)
Slide Transparencies, Artwork, People and Travel, circa 1950s-circa 1970s
Select: Slide Transparencies, Artwork, People and Travel, circa 1950s-circa 1970s (1 shoebox)
Negatives, Artwork, People and Travel, circa 1930s-circa 1970s
Select: Negatives, Artwork, People and Travel, circa 1930s-circa 1970s (13 folders)
Oversized, Refregier, Family and Friends
Select: Oversized, Refregier, Family and Friends
Oversized, Refregier (Alone), circa 1920s-1979
Select: Oversized, Refregier (Alone), circa 1920s-1979 (Oversized material from Box 31)
Oversized, Family, circa 1930s-circa 1980s
Select: Oversized, Family, circa 1930s-circa 1980s (Oversized material from Box 31)
Oversized, Family and Friends/Colleagues, circa 1900-1970s
Select: Oversized, Family and Friends/Colleagues, circa 1900-1970s (Oversized material from Box 31)
Oversized, Studio and Models, circa 1930s-1970s
Select: Oversized, Studio and Models, circa 1930s-1970s (Oversized material from Box 31)
Oversized, Events and Parties, circa 1940s-circa 1970s
Select: Oversized, Events and Parties, circa 1940s-circa 1970s (Oversized material from Box 31)
Oversized, Photos of Artwork
Select: Oversized, Photos of Artwork
Oversized, Exhibitions/Installations, circa 1940s-circa 1970s
Select: Oversized, Exhibitions/Installations, circa 1940s-circa 1970s (3 folders; oversized material from Box 32)
Oversized, Refregier Restaurant Installations by Lionel Freedman, circa 1940s
Select: Oversized, Refregier Restaurant Installations by Lionel Freedman, circa 1940s (Oversized material from Box 32)
Oversized, Artwork by Refregier, circa 1930s-circa 1970s
Select: Oversized, Artwork by Refregier, circa 1930s-circa 1970s (13 folders; oversized material from Box 32)
Oversized, Photographs by Others
Select: Oversized, Photographs by Others
Oversized, by Eliot Elisofon and Eugene Morley, circa 1940s-circa 1950s
Select: Oversized, by Eliot Elisofon and Eugene Morley, circa 1940s-circa 1950s (Oversized material from box 32)