File Concerning Property Owned by Bernarda Bryson Shahn 's Parents, 1965-1968
Select: File Concerning Property Owned by Bernarda Bryson Shahn 's Parents, 1965-1968
File on Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, 1968-2001
Select: File on Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, 1968-2001 (5 folders)
File Concerning Art Legislation, 1976-1992, undated
Select: File Concerning Art Legislation, 1976-1992, undated (2 folders)
By-Laws of Roosevelt Arts Project, Inc., 1996
Select: By-Laws of Roosevelt Arts Project, Inc., 1996
Contracts, 1954-1990, undated
Select: Contracts, 1954-1990, undated (4 folders)
File Concerning Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1971-1994, undated
Select: File Concerning Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1971-1994, undated (4 folders)
File Concerning Midtown Galleries, 1983-1994, undated
Select: File Concerning Midtown Galleries, 1983-1994, undated (5 folders)
Records of Payments from Publications, 1946-1967
Select: Records of Payments from Publications, 1946-1967
Royalty Statements: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1969-1973
Select: Royalty Statements: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1969-1973
Royalty Statements: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1960-1984
Select: Royalty Statements: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1960-1984 (3 folders)
Royalty Statements: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1956-1973
Select: Royalty Statements: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1956-1973
Royalty Statements: Little, Brown and Company, 1960-1969
Select: Royalty Statements: Little, Brown and Company, 1960-1969
Royalty Statements: Macmillan Company, 1966-1973
Select: Royalty Statements: Macmillan Company, 1966-1973
Royalty Statements: Visual artists' and Galleries Association, Inc. (VAGA), 1992-1996
Select: Royalty Statements: Visual artists' and Galleries Association, Inc. (VAGA), 1992-1996
Miscellaneous Royalty Statements, 1949-1970, undated
Select: Miscellaneous Royalty Statements, 1949-1970, undated
Price Lists for Art Work, 1960-1999, undated
Select: Price Lists for Art Work, 1960-1999, undated (6 folders)
Records of Works Sold, 1956-1988
Select: Records of Works Sold, 1956-1988
Payment Receipts for Art Work, 1934-1996
Select: Payment Receipts for Art Work, 1934-1996
Income Tax Records, 1948-1990
Select: Income Tax Records, 1948-1990
Loan Agreements, 1955-1999, undated
Select: Loan Agreements, 1955-1999, undated (3 folders)
Deeds of Gift, 1970-1999, undated
Select: Deeds of Gift, 1970-1999, undated
Insurance Records, 1969-1996
Select: Insurance Records, 1969-1996
Requests for Permission to Reproduce Images, 1963-1999
Select: Requests for Permission to Reproduce Images, 1963-1999
Shipment Receipts, 1963-1997, undated
Select: Shipment Receipts, 1963-1997, undated (2 folders)
Miscellaneous Receipts, 1941-1997, undated
Select: Miscellaneous Receipts, 1941-1997, undated (3 folders)
Miscellaneous Printed Material, 1932-1994, undated
Select: Miscellaneous Printed Material, 1932-1994, undated