Series 3 : Writings and Notes , circa 1940-2012
0.4 Linear feet
Boxes 2, 6, 8
This series contains typescripts and handwritten drafts of Charles Cajori's writings and notes and writings by others. Included are Cajori's drafts of lectures and essays on drawing, painting, and other art-related topics; essays on Paul Cézanne and Chaim Soutine; and biographical information. A file on the Tanager Gallery includes Cajori's account of the founding of the gallery and its place in the New York art community, a press release, the transcript of his interview with Lois Dodd, "Reminiscences of the Tenth Street Days" conducted by Joellen Bard and correspondence relating to the interview. There are also some class notes and essays that are probably from Cajori's college days, as well as some undated writings that include notes on art and artist statements.
Writings about Charles Cajori contain a typescript of Louis Finkelstein's review of Charles Cajori's one-man exhibition at the Tanager Gallery in 1961 and drafts of Alexander Forge's essay on Charles Cajori. Of interest, is Mercedes Matter's handwritten assessment of Charles Cajori's work. Also found are miscellaneous writings and notes.
There are several guest registers for Cajori's exhibitions at the David Findlay Gallery, Lohin Geduld Gallery, and the New York Studio School.
The writings by Cajori are on art and artists are grouped together at the beginning of the series, followed by the writings by others about Charles Cajori. There is a folder of miscellaneous notes and a folder of pages from guest registers from Cajori's exhibitions at the end of the series.
The bulk of the materials in this series have been digitized, except for duplicates and blank pages of the guest registers.
Writings by Charles Cajori
Select: Writings by Charles Cajori
Early Writings and Notes, Possibly from College, circa 1940-circa 1950
Select: Early Writings and Notes, Possibly from College, circa 1940-circa 1950
On Art and Artists (Undated), circa 1949-circa 2009
Select: On Art and Artists (Undated), circa 1949-circa 2009
On Art and Artists, 1949-2009
Select: On Art and Artists, 1949-2009
On the Tanager Gallery, 1950s-1977
Select: On the Tanager Gallery, 1950s-1977
Notes on Art and Artists, circa 1977-2010
Select: Notes on Art and Artists, circa 1977-2010
Notes, Writings, and Artist Statements, circa 1956-2012
Select: Notes, Writings, and Artist Statements, circa 1956-2012
Writings about Charles Cajori by Others, circa 1961-circa 1992
Select: Writings about Charles Cajori by Others, circa 1961-circa 1992
Writings about Charles Cajori by Others, circa 1970-1999
Select: Writings about Charles Cajori by Others, circa 1970-1999
Writings about Charles Cajori by Others - "Bird Lives or Cajoriad" by Cooper Union Students, circa 1957-1958
Select: Writings about Charles Cajori by Others - "Bird Lives or Cajoriad" by Cooper Union Students, circa 1957-1958
Miscellaneous Writings and Notes, circa 1965-1977
Select: Miscellaneous Writings and Notes, circa 1965-1977
Guest Registers, 1992-2007
Select: Guest Registers, 1992-2007